
These testimonials are written by fans of my comics. They might give you an idea of what exactly my fans like about my comics and if your audience will like them as well.

Recorded testimonial by Jayden from Australia:


Hey! I'm Mano.

1. How do you like my comics?

- Love em, they are funny, very well drawn and you drop pop culture refs into them.

2. How do they make you feel?

- They make me chuckle, and I look forward to reading more.

3. What do you like most about the comics?

- As mentioned above, you have started dropping pop culture refs in, the characters are interesting and different, you don't often see human parents with dragon twins.

4. Can you think of a word or phrase that describes my comics?

- Fun

5. Would you recommend the comics to anyone else?

- Well I already watch you on Tumblr, and have told my gf and couple of friends about your arts.

6. Is there anything else you would like to add?

- Awesome work! Keep it up.


Hi. My name is Vawkis Silverfall,

I found your comics by accident. I happened to log on and it was on the front page, so I clicked.

Best move EVER! This comic is super adorable, the characters very likable and lovable, and I am looking
forward to seeing the next part of the plot. Like a good comic should be.

The comic in one word or phrase? Hi jinks of dragon twins, born of human parents. Hilarity, hi-jinks, and possibly mischief

I have recommended your comics actually, and surprisingly several of my friends think it's cute.
They LOVE the gamer comics

So...yeah, I guess that's it. Cute comic!

Vawkis Silverfall   

1. How do you like my comics?

Being a gamer myself, I find your comics enjoyable to read.

2. How do they make you feel?

They bring a smile on my face and make me escape the daily rush for some brief moments.

3. What do you like most about the comics?

The subtlety and accessibility. The art style is easy on the eyes, and the stories are easy to understand. The hidden references are a nice surprise when you can find them in the background.

4. Can you think of a word or phrase that describes my comics?

Fun and relaxing.

5. Would you recommend the comics to anyone else?

Yes I would recommend them.

6. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Not really. Just one "Keep up the good work!".

Jan Heremans   

Hello, my name is Max Kongo. I write fanfiction and make Youtube Videos.

I just found the comics a few days ago, and have already read them all.

They are well written with likable and believable characters. The drawing is consistent and bright.

It's nice to read a silly fun comic that can just make you smile.

Everyone should read these comics.

I would also recommend checking out the youtube version of the comics coming soon...


Max Kongo   

Hi, I'm Yumi

1. How do you like my comics?

I adore your comics! I really admire the love and care you put into them not to mention your style is <3
And the story (so far) is very endearing, Learning about the lives of two adorable dragons and their life! – it’s fun to learn more about them! like the games they enjoy, the food they like, their relationship with their family and so on. Its interesting, fun and the little jokes and silly bits you add are <3 (I still chuckle when I think of the two of them taking that whole chicken xD)

2. How do they make you feel?

they make me happy! - I always look forward to reading each page, and your art are among the few uploads in my sub box that I jump right on and read ^^ like hearing a new episode of your favorite anime is airing xD - I also feel very inspired and motivated.

3. What do you like most about the comics?

That’s a hard one if I’m honest, I love your characters, as you know! but I love the writing and scenarios along with the designs! - I enjoy the light hearted fun you put into it, it’s obvious you love making this comic, it’s clear in each page you upload ^^

4. Can you think of a word or phrase that describes my comics?


5. Would you recommend the comics to anyone else?

already have! - one of my friends knows about it and have seen it on my PC ^^

6. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Not personally but whatever you add I’m certain it will be for the best! <3

Keep up the fantastic work Robin and I look forward to seeing more!


Hello my name is Mia and I just recently found the comic Twin Dragons.
I must say I very quickly fell in love with it.

1. How do you like my comics?

---I actually love them. They are very cute with just the right amount of humor. It's not too overbearing to the point where you groan because there is nothing serious about it. It has a story even if it's not the main point of the comics, so, it's something that really holds your attention. The art style is amazing too.

2. How do they make you feel?

---Hm...it's a mixture of things. They make me happy because they are pretty funny and I always get a good laugh, but they also make me excited whenever I see a new submission has come up. So happy and excited.

3. What do you like most about the comics?

---Believe it or not, it's the storyline. It's the basis for the characters which is the mutation in the characters giving them animal features. Hybrids and anthros have always interested me which is why I like comics like "Two Kinds" and such. I like that this comic is funny, but does show how people react to hybrids in a not-so positive manner. Much like issues today with racism and etc. We see that there are 2 types of people...those open-minded, and those who are afraid of something different and new. So, while the jokes are great and the characters are super cute, I was hooked when the back-story was brought up about the mutation and it kept me reading.

4. Can you think of a word or phrase that describes my comics?

---It's Cooky and it's Crazy.
But...in a good way. Can you imagine really having to raise children that are Dragons?! Also, cooky is due to the humor. I love it!

5. Would you recommend the comics to anyone else?

---Already have. I have shared it on my Facebook, sent it to my bestie, and have shown it to my mate a few times.

6. Is there anything else you would like to add?

---Keep up the amazing work and continue making people smile :3 You're awesome!!



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